Monday, October 26, 2009



Its a new week, time to crack on! Since my knee "issues" were classified perminant and I'm starting to accept it, things have been happening fast!

It goes back to my philosophy, EVERYONE has a talent. In what, I don't know, but its there somewhere! Most people don't spend enough time truely searching for it and if they do they don't fully develop or commit to it. Thats one of my pet hates...
WASTED TALENT! I see it every day & it stands out like a sore thumb to me as I know what to look for & have seen that top people in whatever field they choose are not superhuman, they just have belief, determination and have found their talent!

Whats yours???

Anyway, enough of my early rant, back to what I started to talk about, Busy, Busy, Busy.
Called in by my physio mate Stuart to work with the Surrey Development Squad for X-Country from 10am today. Why the SpeedFreak for X-contry you may ask? Because Speed is esential for ALL sports! Find me a X-Country runner with NO SPEED and you'll find a runner who gets all his/her hard work undone in the last few minutes of the race as everyone FLIES BY!!!
Not a fun experience (School X-Counrty team me '94, WooHoo).

Then onto 1st GB Volleyball (weekly session) in Central London, never a fun place to travel to around rush hour, great. But if this journey was easy, I wouldn't be interested and everyone would be doing it, not the point of elite level sport!
If I every make it to my destination tonight, it will not be wasted & I'll SMASH it as hard as I can and see what happens... wish me luck & I'll see you on the other side ;)

Whatever your doing, keep moving forward!

Let me know how your doing??
Leave your comments as I am genuinely interested..



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