Monday, August 24, 2009


Hi guys... Been a while!

Since we last spoke my injury has been about as bad as could have been expected (ie:WorseCaseScenario!)

After a few stagnant months where I had no strength gains/progression with my knee no matter howmuch or hard I rehabed it, the decision was made to operate on it for a second time. With months of getting nowhere, I pretty much "downed tools" with regard to keep you updated as I was stuggling myself just to try and stay possitive.

This was in May 09 and they were specifically worried about the meniscus cartilage they had repaired in the 1st operation. When the operation took place their fears were confirmed and the cartilage they had tried to save was again torn. I had been told that if this was the case they would just remove all my meniscus cartilage. This means initially, functionally my joint should be good, but with the two bone ends rubbing together with no shock absorbtion, arthritis is no far away. Anyway, lucky me, my top surgeon managed to only remove 1/2 my cartilage to save me something to help my knee, obviously I was pretty happy with this!

By this stage all timelines for my recovery where out the window and it not a question of when I recover, more if I recover. For the 1st time I asked my Physio is everything goes as well as possible (perfectCaseScenario) would I be able to vault again? I had avoided this question for long enough as I didn't really want to heaar the answer. In the past no matter how bad the situation he has always told me I would be back. This time the advice was "You could try to learn to vault of the other leg" bearing in mind this is like asking a top cricketer/pitcher to bowl with his other arm! And I'm no spring chicken these days!

Basically there is a chance I could vault again, but I have been advised it could be a very stupid decision as my knee is going to deteriorate early anyway without this extra stress from high level training/competing. Added to this the general risk of vaulting/re-injure and apparently I would be nuts to do it (I have considered it) and I should focus more on being able to be "recreationaly active" in later life.

I had to cut back my SSA work as everytime I risked damge to my knee as I could not just stand there and struggled not to be active in the sessions. It has been 3 months since the second operation and things (including my mood) have improved since. Strength gains pushed throught the previous plateau within a month and I have been allowed to start min-squats for the 1st time in a year, a treat! I will try not to put any deadlines on recovery as over the last year these have been getting put back and back.

For a large part of the year I had the anniversary of the accident August 9th as a goal to be running/jogging by this date and it helped keep me going. However is this date got closer it turned into a decision date. It came a week or two ago and I was not even close to being able to run, and on this date I decided to accept it and officially RETIRE FROM COMPETITIVE POLEVAULT. I'm sure this is not a big deal for anyone else and I know things could be worse, I'm more just getting it down in black and white so it is more real. I thought some people should know and if your one of the many who has supported me in this tough year I really do thank you for it (you know who you are).

Anyway on a lighter note I am going to try and work with what I've got, wheelchair basketball, volleyball(nojumping), swimming, snooker, FT top coach, underwear model ;) sniper are all potential options for me.

I have spent my usual athletics summer in the states this year and return at the end of this month...

we will see what happens??

Thnks again for all you support, I wil again try and support you in all your sporting and fitness goals


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